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Node configuration

The node configuration allows you to customize and optimize the settings for individual nodes in your cluster. It is divided into several sections:

Common configuration

The common configuration section includes settings that are fundamental to the operation of each node in your cluster.

PropertyDescriptionEnv variableDefault value
versionConfig file version. 0.1. Or any versioning needed for node
cluster_idUnique identifier of the cluster the node will be joining. Clusters sharing the same network should use distinct cluster IDs.cluster_idquerent-cluster
node_idUnique identifier of the node. It must be distinct from the node IDs of its cluster peers. Defaults to the instance's short hostname if not set.node_idquerent-node
listen_addressThe IP address or hostname that R!AN service binds to for starting REST and GRPC server and connecting this node to other nodes.listen_address:
advertise_addressIP address advertised by the node, i.e., the IP address that peer nodes should use to connect to the node for RPCs.advertise_addresslisten_address
gossip_listen_portThe port which to listen for the Gossip cluster membership service (UDP).gossip_listen_portrest.listen_port
grpc_listen_portThe port on which gRPC services listen for traffic.grpc_listen_portrest.listen_port + 1
peer_seedsList of IP addresses or hostnames used to bootstrap the cluster and discover the complete set of nodes. This list may contain the current node address and does not need to be exhaustive.peer_seeds
data_dirPath to directory where data (tmp data, splits kept for caching purpose) is persisted. This is mostly used in indexing.data_dir./querent_data
Log level of R!AN. Can be a direct log level, or a comma separated list of module_name=levelRUST_LOGinfo

REST configuration

This section contains the REST API configuration options.

PropertyDescriptionEnv variableDefault value
listen_portThe port on which the REST API listens for HTTP traffic.QUESTER_REST_LISTEN_PORT1111
cors_allow_originsConfigure the CORS origins which are allowed to access the API. Read more
extra_headersList of header names and values

Configuring CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing)

CORS describes which addresses or origins can access the REST API from the browser. By default, cross-origin resource sharing is not allowed.

You can specify a wildcard (*), a single origin, or multiple origins as part of the cors_allow_origins parameter.

Example REST Configuration:

listen_port: 1789
x-header-1: header-value-1
x-header-2: header-value-2
cors_allow_origins: '*'
# Alternatively, specify a single domain:
# cors_allow_origins:
# Or allow multiple origins:
# cors_allow_origins:
# -
# -

Storage Configuration

The storage configuration allows you to define and customize the storage providers used by the R!AN system. The configuration supports various types of storage, such as index, vector, and graph databases.

PostgreSQL Configuration

PostgreSQL is used for index storage. You can configure the connection details to your PostgreSQL database.

PropertyDescriptionExample Value
nameName of the PostgreSQL configurationquerent_test
storage_typeType of storage usedindex
config.urlConnection URL to the PostgreSQL databasepostgres://querent:querent@localhost/querent_test?sslmode=prefer

Example Storage Configuration:

name: querent_test
storage_type: index
url: postgres://querent:querent@localhost/querent_test?sslmode=prefer

Complete Configuration Example

Here is a complete example of a node configuration file:

# ============================ Node Configuration ==============================
# Website:
# Docs:
# -------------------------------- General settings --------------------------------

# Config file format version.
version: 0.1

# Unique cluster ID. This is used to identify the cluster to which this node belongs.
cluster_id: querent-cluster
# Node identifier. This is used to identify this node within the cluster running semantic search.
node_id: querent-node
gossip_listen_port: 2222
cpu_capacity: 5

# -------------------------------- Restful Configuration --------------------------------
listen_port: 1111
- "*"
x-header-1: header-value-1
x-header-2: header-value-2

listen_port: 50051
max_message_size: 20 MB

# -------------------------------- Storage Configuration --------------------------------
- postgres:
name: querent_test
storage_type: index
url: postgres://querent:querent@localhost/querent_test?sslmode=prefer
- postgres:
name: querent_test
storage_type: vector
url: postgres://querent:querent@localhost/querent_test?sslmode=prefer

# -------------------------------- Distributed Tracing Configuration --------------------------------
enable_endpoint: true
lookback_period_hours: 24
max_trace_duration_secs: 600
max_fetch_spans: 1000