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Command-line options

R!AN command line tool lets you start a server and manage indexes (create, delete, ingest), splits and sources (create, delete, toggle). To start a server, rian needs a node config file path.

This page documents all the available commands, related options, and environment variables.


Command-line synopsis syntax


rian or rian --help displays the list of available commands.

rian <command name> --help displays the documentation for the command and a usage example.


rian --version displays the version. It is helpful for reporting bugs.


The CLI is structured into high-level commands with subcommands. rian [command] [subcommand] [args].

  • command: serve, search

Semantic service

The semantic service runs semantic pipelines assigned by the control plane.

Searcher service

Starts a web server at rest_listing_address:rest_list_port that exposes the R!AN REST API where rest_listing_address and rest_list_port are defined in R!AN config file (rian.yaml). The node can optionally join a cluster using the peer_seeds parameter. This list of node addresses is used to discover the remaining peer nodes in the cluster through a gossip protocol, see chitchat.

Janitor service

The Janitor service runs maintenance tasks on indexes: garbage collection, documents delete, and retention policy tasks.


R!AN needs to open the following port for cluster formation and workload distribution:

TCP port (default is 1111) for REST API TCP and UDP port (default is 2222) for cluster membership protocol TCP port (default is 3333) for gRPC address for the distributed search

If ports are already taken, the serve command will fail.

rian serve [args]


rian serve
[--config <config>]


--configConfig file locationconfig/rian.yaml


Starts an indexer and a metastore services

rian serve --config=./config/rian.yaml